Have any doubts? We’ve got you covered. Find frequently asked questions about our services.

Can neurofeedback be billed to my Insurance?

Neotherapy doesn't work with insurance directly. However, In several states, insurance companies and Medicaid plans cover Neurofeedback as a treatment, while in others, coverage depends on case-by-case approval. 

Neurofeedback can be billed to insurance as a standalone treatment or as a component of psychotherapy. The current standalone code is the same code for biofeedback: 90901. 

NFB is covered in at least 12 states by various insurance plans including Carefirst, Tricare, United Health, Aetna, Cigna, and Kaiser Positive Choice, to name a few. Additionally, in several states, NFB is reimbursable by Medicaid.

Is neurofeedback safe?  

Of course, it is not invasive. Neurofeedback has been successfully used with children even at the age of 6 months old. 

Is it recommended for kids?  

Neurofeedback is particularly effective for children and teenagers . Working with young brains has shown quicker results, as their brains are more flexible and have limited exposure to habits that have already manifested and matured into traits in adulthood.

How much time does each session last?  

The basic training protocol takes place in 30-45 minutes sessions at least twice a week, for a minimum of twenty consecutive ones

Where is Neotherapy located?   

We have 3 offices: Miami, Caracas- La Pastora, Caracas- Los Chorros.

Is the therapy painful? Are you going to use electricity?  

The therapy itself is not painful, nor does it involve passing current through the electrodes connected to the scalp. Except for people who have some form of skin hypersensitivity, or those who are having an episode of migraine, contact with the electrodes may be uncomfortable, but this is attributable to the particular condition, not the therapy.

How long will it take to see results?

Each person is a particular case, but in general terms, you can start to perceive the benefits of the therapy in the first five sessions. However, a minimum of twenty sessions must be done for the new brain patterns to consolidate and thus endure over time.

Do benefits last?

In cases where the challenges being addressed are derived from brain dysregulation, then we will say yes!  Fortunately, that includes a large group, such as anxiety-depression spectrum, attention deficits, behavior disorders, various sleep disorders, headaches and migraines, PMS, and emotional disturbances. Neurofeedback will aid the brain in reinforcing regulation, hence strengthening the benefits over time. 

In cases of degenerative conditions such as dementia, or when the brain is continuously hijacked, as may be the case in the autism spectrum, for the benefits to last, the therapy should be reinforced from time to time. 

Some other factors will interfere with the duration of the benefits, such as head injury, total anesthesia, poor nutrition, toxins, trauma.

How many sessions do I need?

The minimum number of sessions needed to perceive the benefits is at least twenty sessions.

How does it work?

An initial admission consultation, where we complete a questionnaire, serves as a starting point for developing a therapy plan. Then, during the sessions, placing sensors on the scalp, we measure the electrical activity of the brain waves. With the aid of elaborate software and a video monitor, we reflect it back to the individual, allowing the brain to see its activity.