Remote Neurofeedback Sessions

Train your brain anywhere and at any time with our Remote Neurofeedback technology.

Want to get more information?

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Here’s how it works:

You'll be guided and monitored by our professionals.


Book a video call and talk with an expert to understand the therapy.


Our team will design a custom brain training for you.


We’ll send you the equipment needed.


We'll lead you through your first session to explain the (simple) process.


Once a week, our team will check in with you.

In no time you'll be ready to do the sessions on your own, whenever is more convenient for you and with the same amazing results as our in studio sessions.

Reduce Stress

Manage anxiety better

Have better quality sleep

Increase focus

Increase overall health

Then you should definitely talk with our experts TODAY and we’ll give you all the information needed to start training your brain.

Begin now

The device you’ll get:

It allows us to read brainwaves and provide real-time feedback to your brain.

  • Non-invasive
  • Science-backed
  • Latest technology

A friendly and helpful app:

Remote neurofeedback App offers a cutting-edge approach to mental and brain wellness.

  • Easy to navigate
  • Guided by professionals
  • +40,000 training sessions delivered to thousands of happy clients

Agenda una videollamada

Solicita una llamada informativa gratuita y habla con nuestros expertos, ellos te ayudarán a encontrar la solución de mindfulness y bienestar que se ajusta a tus necesidades.

Questions about remote therapy