Picture this: thirty-eight trillion cells in your body need to "talk" to each other to carry out their daily tasks. It can become chaotic, which is why bio-regulation helps you harmonize that communication, making your cells work better together.
To maintain balance and good health, all organs, tissues, and subsystems of the body require excellent communication. This therapy will help remove blockages and restore the pathways to achieve it.
It's non-invasive; all you need are six ultra-sensitive sensors, state-of-the-art technology, and an expert therapist to make it work. And at Neotherapy, we have all three.
Bio-regulation is a safe and simple practice that anyone can embrace, even children.
For decades, some psychologists and doctors have integrated bio-regulation into their treatments, yielding excellent results without the side effects of certain medications.
Any family member can benefit from bio-regulation to address conditions such as: