What You Should Know About Gut Health and Weight Loss

What You Should Know About Gut Health and Weight Loss

The body is a wonderful feat of engineering and design and perhaps one of the most amazing systems in the body involves eating and digestion.

The small intestine is where digestion and absorption of food "really" takes place, and it extends from the stomach to the colon. Of course, such a crucial part of the body needs protection, a barrier.

But, unlike the skin, this barrier that protects the small intestine consists of only one cell layer: the enterocytes.

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What You Should Know About Gut Health and Weight Loss

Enterocytes are linked together by junctions and protect us against bacteria and other bad things that we might ingest when eating, allowing an adequate absorption of nutrients and minerals. The problem is that sometimes these junctions get broken, opening the gate for heavy metals, toxins, food additives, etc., to reach the bloodstream.

This is what’s known as LEAKY GUT SYNDROME  and while this sounds like a strange and rare condition, it actually affects 80-90% of the population.

The effects of these condition can range from inflammation and headache, and in more severe cases, serious malnutrition and food allergies and sensitivities.

And now, the science suggests that it can also be a heavy contributor to weight gain.How does a leaky gut affect weight?

Weight gain is indirectly caused by a permeable intestine. The permeable gut causes the intestinal microbiota to become out of balance, which contributes to weight gainTo begin with, you should know that the microbiota plays a key role in the regulation of hunger and feeling satiated.

The microbiota is also critically important because it releases substances that can regulate the balance of insulin resistance and, as a result, control or even prevent hunger spikes and serious illnesses like diabetes.

Other scientific studies have shown that eating foods that create these sort of imbalances causes the colon to ferment, which results in an increase in fatty cell tissue.

It also makes people more sensitive to food, and these food sensitivities contribute to weight gain, as can nutritional deficiencies.

So yeah, even though it’s not the main factor, leaky gut syndrome can be a big cause of weight gain!

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What You Should Know About Gut Health and Weight Loss

So what are the causes of leaky gut?

Poor nutrition

Diets devoid of fiber and fermented foods and, at the same time, very rich in animal proteins, simple sugars and vegetable fats; excessive consumption of precooked foods, abuse of artificial sweeteners, intake of foods with nitrates, mercury and other heavy metals, impossible for the body to eliminate; can trigger intestinal hyperpermeability syndrome and/or dysbiosis (imbalance of the intestinal flora).  


Another of the causes that is most related to this alteration is stress, which is a natural and necessary response of the organism, it is adaptation. The problem appears when it is maintained in time, and the most immediate consequence is the rupture of the correct bidirectional communication between brain and intestine, altering the good functioning of the microbiota and being able to generate intestinal permeability.

Virus and bacterial infections

It can be seen in stool or blood tests. If there is infection, the pH is altered generating damage to the mucous membrane, epithelium, inflammation and separating enterocytes.

Lack of sleep

Not getting enough sleep causes our adrenal gland to release cortisol. As a consequence of the release of this hormone, there may be a loss of collagen in the intestinal villi, causing a low absorption of nutrients and may affect our energy levels.

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What You Should Know About Gut Health and Weight Loss

Some good news? Our little surprise!

Making changes to your diet is a must to prevent AND cure it, but taking the appropriate supplements can significantly help. We have developed an amazing supplement for a healthier gut and you can get it RIGHT NOW at our store for 15% off!

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What You Should Know About Gut Health and Weight Loss
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