This is why you should improve your digital well-being (and how to do it)

This is why you should improve your digital well-being (and how to do it)

The distinction between the real and digital worlds is becoming less and less evident as technology keeps moving forward. The concepts of digital identity and digital footprint are becoming more known to us, and depending on how we use technology in our daily lives, its presence can have a really good or really bad effect on us.

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This is why you should improve your digital well-being (and how to do it)

Being constantly connected allows us to build and strengthen relationships with friends, acquaintances, and total strangers alike. We share new experiences and travels, learn new things, and perform nearly any task using internet tutorials. Each of these actions comes with a fresh set of potential problems, particularly for young people, as we learn how to use the many platforms and apps responsibly, maximizing the advantages and minimizing the risks.

What is digital well-being?

According to the Stress in America study, 65% of Americans either somewhat or strongly agree that taking occasional "digital detoxes" or "unplugging" is necessary for mental health. However, just 28% actually do so.

The goal is to develop a positive relationship with technology, and use it to help us achieve our goals rather than to distract, interrupt, or obstruct us. We can use technology to its fullest extent and get all of its benefits if we can control it, or rather, control our relationship with it. Digital well-being is essentially about creating a positive relationship with technology so that we may reap all of its advantages while maintaining control.

The physical and emotional experiences we have each day affect our overall well-being. Technology continues to play a significant role in our lives, influencing everything from how we present ourselves to how we interact with others.

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This is why you should improve your digital well-being (and how to do it)

When you’re in control of your digital habits you can:

  • Be more active, concentrated, and effective in all you do
  • Be more aware of our surroundings and socialize with others, both at home and at work
  • Exercise the capacity to detach, to be aware of our body and emotions, to lower anxiety and tension and, as a result, to feel better

Be mindful and reflect on your habits:

Every time we are engaging with the digital world, we should keep in mind the concept of “time well spent." To do this, we must be conscious of our online behaviors and reflect on the following ideas:

  • What do we do when we are online?
  • How does it affect how we feel? How do we feel before and after?
  • Does it improve our quality of life?
  • What aspects of our digital connections and interactions would we like to change?
  • What are the opinions of others around us regarding our internet behaviors?
  • What role do I want technology to have in my daily life?
  • What practices do I want to drop, and what features of technology irritate me?
  • What is my objective or goal, and how am I managing my usage of technology?

The decisions we make online, the information we view, the relationships we have with others, and even how much time we spend using technology and the internet can have an impact on our digital health. According to several studies, people who spend a lot of time online are more likely to consume irritating content, get offensive comments, or send offensive messages to others. In fact, 71% of internet users get so frustrated searching the net that they suffer "net rage."

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This is why you should improve your digital well-being (and how to do it)

The internet and technology should improve and simplify our lives rather than be a source of anxiety, stress, or discomfort. The fact that not all of a young person's online experiences are pleasant can have a detrimental effect on how they feel about themselves, their friendships and relationships, and even how they view the world in general.

Is technology bad?

Of course it isn’t, but the same principle we apply to most things in life, can be specially applied to technology and our relationship to it: being mindful, moderate and aware. In this sense, you can start by doing this simple things, and notice how much your life changes immediately:

  • Putting your phone away when having a face-to-face conversation with someone
  • Turning off some of your notifications
  • Checking notifications and text messages at a later time
  • Establishing a time limit for social media, aimless browsing, and video game usage
  • Not answering texts or phone calls during family dinners
  • Have the goal of having more in-person conversations
  • Dedicate a day or two, or even a week, without social media
  • Block time-wasting sites

We can really take advantage of the benefits technology brings us and lessen some of the issues and frustrations associated with being always connected by becoming more conscious of how we use it and making some minor modifications.

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This is why you should improve your digital well-being (and how to do it)
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