Symptoms of adult ADHD you should be looking out for

Symptoms of adult ADHD you should be looking out for

Have you ever felt like you just have a harder time concentrating than anyone else? For a really long time, ADHD used to be linked to young age, but now, it’s been found that adults too can suffer from it. In fact, it’s been shown that 4-5% of adults suffer from it.

When adult ADHD occurs, individuals often have great difficulty concentrating for long periods of time. In addition, adult ADHD also causes individuals to be easily distracted or to act and speak before thinking through what they are going to do or say.

Granted, everyone may experience these symptoms of adult hyperactivity at one time or another, but people with ADHD constantly find themselves in these situations. Therefore, they present many significant and continuous difficulties in these areas, something that affects study, work, and relationships.

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Symptoms of adult ADHD you should be looking out for

Why does it matter?

When we talk about attention deficit or hyperactivity we are talking about a developmental disorder characterized mainly by difficulties in concentration, attention, and impulse control. Hyperactivity and its symptoms, therefore, have repercussions in many areas of the person who suffers from it. When this situation is left untreated, the person may end up experiencing many alterations in his or her life, such as in employment or personal relationships. That’s why if you suspect you might suffer from it, it is very important that you know how to identify ADHD symptoms.

Behavioral Symptoms of ADHD in adults

When an adult experiences ADHD, there is no doubt that as a child he/she was also hyperactive, even if he/she never showed signs of it or was not diagnosed. When this happens, when it manifests itself in adult life, problems are usually experienced in one or more areas of life. The main symptoms of hyperactivity in adults are:

Inconsistent performance in studies or work: this means that people suffering from ADHD symptoms do not finish their studies or quit or miss jobs too often.

Poor ability to handle daily responsibilities: Adults with ADHD never complete household chores. They also often have difficulty getting organized or paying bills.

Problems in social relationships: It is difficult to maintain good work or personal relationships because they never finish what they start. Also, attention deficit in adults affects them as they forget to do things they have been asked to do and are easily annoyed by minor issues.

Chronic stress and worry: People with ADHD, especially in adulthood, often experience excessive stress. This is due to the existing failure to achieve the goals they set for themselves and the impossibility of fulfilling responsibilities.

Feelings of frustration, guilt or reproach: Attention deficit and its symptoms in adults make them feel very guilty for not being able to finish many of the tasks they set out to do or for not keeping their word with others. This makes adults with ADHD end up feeling very frustrated for not doing well in some areas.

Acting or speaking before thinking about things:  People with ADHD often experience a lot of impulsivity. Because of this, they often end up acting and saying things that perhaps they should not. This can affect them both at work and in their personal relationships.

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Symptoms of adult ADHD you should be looking out for

Pay attention to physical symptoms as well

In addition to all the psychological symptoms, people with ADHD also suffer from certain physical impairments. Thus, they may frequently suffer from diarrhea, tachycardia, tingling in the legs and hands. All these symptoms may be a consequence of the anxiety that is commonly associated with the condition.

Nothing to be ashamed of

The consequences of hyperactivity in adults have certain gravity, since many people are in family, economic, social and personal imbalance. Many fail in studies since childhood and many also fail in affective social relationships throughout their lives. Another consequence is that many hyperactive adults drink or smoke too much.

If you suspect that you or a loved one may be suffering from ADHD there's nothing to fear or be ashamed of, but it is very important to manage it. There is a great range of treatments to help people with ADHD like neurofeedback which result in a more comfortable life and, overall, stay happier.

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Symptoms of adult ADHD you should be looking out for
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Symptoms of adult ADHD you should be looking out for
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