Sitting yoga stretches that will boost your mental health

Sitting yoga stretches that will boost your mental health

If there's something that people often overlook and underestimate is stretching. As in stretching your body, as most people are specialists stretching their budgets

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Sitting yoga stretches that will boost your mental health

It’s often thought that stretching is only useful for elite level athletes, gymnasts or yogis, but the reality is that stretching can be just as beneficial for people who rarely workout and who spend most of their days sitting down doing desk work.

If you spend lots of time behind a desk you might feel like your body is really tight and achy. Not only that, you could be feeling really stressed out and anxious, as it has been found that the time you spend sitting down is greatly linked to your levels of anxiety!

So of course, you should try to live a more active life, but incorporating a few simple stretches can do wonders to relieve your muscles, brain and mental health, as stretching sends your nervous system the signal that it is ok to relax.

That isn't all, though. It is essential to take a moment to stop, focus for a few minutes on your breathing, become aware of your body and acknowledge your sensations in order to achieve the highest level of wellbeing and performance.

The following is a set of stretches that can be very soothing, easy to do anywhere and very effective!

Let 's get to it!

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Sitting yoga stretches that will boost your mental health

How to do it

1- Start by taking a seat at the edge of your chair. Place the soles of your feet firmly on the ground, and your legs spread at hip level. As you breathe deeply, pay attention to how your abdomen is working and how your costals are moving. If it helps, you can place your hands on them to feel how the air expands. Bring your arms out to your sides, take a deep breath, and when you're ready, lift your arms up, arch your back forward and let your body fall forward while you're fully focused on your breathing. Once on the ground, let the arms drop open, feeling your whole body relaxed and tension-free. Without exerting any force and the head loose. Take a few seconds, change your posture, and repeat.

2- While you continue to be comfortably seated on the chair, lengthen your spine, do not curve the lumbar spine, and keep the ribs closed. To continue, take a breath and forcefully lift your head toward the ceiling. Reduce the tension and let them fall while releasing the air. Do this 3 times total. Continue by performing 5 shoulder rotations to the front and 5 more switching the direction.

3- Cross your right leg over the left, then turn the column toward the same leg you just crossed, that is, the right. Use both hands to try and grab the back of the chair. Take a few seconds and change sides. Repeat it three times on each side.

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Sitting yoga stretches that will boost your mental health

As soon as it's over, you'll feel more mentally and physically free. It is crucial that you try to focus on your breathing and relax during the minutes that the routine lasts rather than continuing to give your attention to work-related issues, as doing so won't be effective.

You can perform these several times during the day. You'll observe an improvement in your mood and your ability to concentrate, and you'll also be given the tools you need to deal with contractions.

And if you really want to do things right, stand up, get your legs moving for a while, clear your head and get back to it!

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Sitting yoga stretches that will boost your mental health
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