Living the Neotherapy Way: Daily Habits for Peak Brain Performance

Living the Neotherapy Way: Daily Habits for Peak Brain Performance

Ever wondered how to jazz up your daily routine while giving your brain the VIP treatment it truly deserves? Combine neurofeedback sessions with some habits that are as fun as they are beneficial, and you've got yourself a recipe for peak brain performance (and a few giggles along the way). 

Morning: Rise and Shine (Or At Least Try)

Wake Up Naturally: Hitting the snooze button? We've all been there. But consistent sleep patterns can supercharge your neurofeedback sessions. Aim for 7-9 hours, and if you're counting sheep past 1000, maybe it's time to reconsider that late-night Netflix binge (it’s not helping you relax as much as you think!). National Sleep Foundation says so!

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Living the Neotherapy Way: Daily Habits for Peak Brain Performance

Mindful Meditation: Start your day with some "Om" and less "Ugh." Meditation isn't just for monks; it's for anyone who's ever misplaced their keys... five times in a row. 

Mid-Morning: Brainy Breakfast Time

Balanced Diet: Avocado toast, anyone? According to the Mayo Clinic; foods rich in Omega-3s are like a spa day for your brain. And who doesn't love a spa day? Dive into that salmon salad and let your neurons have a party.

Noon: Nature and Nourishment

Nature Walk: Swap those office fluorescents for some sunshine. A stroll in nature isn't just a great way to create Instagram posts; it's a mood and memory booster. Trees, birds, and the occasional squirrel photobomb – what's not to love?

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Living the Neotherapy Way: Daily Habits for Peak Brain Performance

Afternoon: Brain Gym Session

Brain Games: Sudoku, crosswords, or chasing after your runaway pet – all are excellent brain exercises. It might seem like your brain needs to do nothing after a long day at work, but a few minutes of these are perfect to keep those neurons nimble and ready for your next session at Neotherapy. 

Hydration: Your kidneys love it but your brain loves it too! And no, coffee doesn't count (sorry, caffeine lovers). According to the University of East London, a hydrated brain is a happy brain, and happy brains are 14% more productive. It's science! 

Evening: Unplug and Unwind

Digital Detox: Don’t worry, those cat videos will still be there tomorrow but blue light from screens can mess with your beauty sleep, and we all need our beauty sleep. National Library of Medicine recommends taking a screen break for at least an hour before bed for dreamy Zzzs.

Night: Breathe In, Breathe Out

Deep Breathing Exercises: Inhale positivity, exhale... well, whatever that thing was that Bob from accounting said today. Deep breaths can help your body relax, lower anxiety and help you have a deeper sleep.

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Living the Neotherapy Way: Daily Habits for Peak Brain Performance

Pairing Neotherapy with these daily habits is like a wellness party for your brain. So, groove to the neurofeedback beat and let the good vibes roll!

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Living the Neotherapy Way: Daily Habits for Peak Brain Performance
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