It’s true: Gut health is a key factor in kids' behavior!

It’s true: Gut health is a key factor in kids' behavior!

The relationship between gut health and general health is a hot topic at the moment. And now we're finding out that the health of our children and future generations is significantly impacted by the way we live and what we eat. It doesn't look too good, honestly.

Gut health has an impact on kids' health, energy, concentration, and behavior. The truth is that having a good diet is the best way to help them feel great now and have a great future later.

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It’s true: Gut health is a key factor in kids' behavior!

How important is the role of gut health in kids' behaviors?

Because of the numerous crucial ways they are interconnected and communicate with one another, the gut is frequently referred to as "the second brain." This is similar to "a gut feeling," which you've probably heard of.

A healthy, balanced gut is essential for the brain's optimal operation. Therefore, both toddlers and adults who have digestive system issues may experience symptoms in their brains as well as their tummies. Chronic headaches and anxiety are two common issues associated with gut dysbiosis, as are particular disorders like ADHD and autism spectrum disorder.

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It’s true: Gut health is a key factor in kids' behavior!

How can parents improve their kids' gut health?

1- Focus on whole foods and avoid processed

Chemicals, bad fats, and low-quality nutrients included in processed foods have a terrible effect on the gut flora. Healthy levels of beneficial bacteria in the gut are maintained by eating nutrient-dense whole foods including vegetables, fruits, quality meats and seafood, nuts, and whole grains. You can regularly include fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, and kombucha in your child's diet because they are loaded with healthy bacteria. Bananas, apples, artichokes, asparagus, onions, and jicama are a few examples of foods that contain unique fibers called prebiotics that support the growth of beneficial bacteria in the stomach. Daily consumption of prebiotic-rich foods aids in the maintenance of a healthy, balanced gut microbiota.

2- Whenever possible, stay away from antibiotic products and unneeded drugs.

While occasionally using antibiotics to treat an acute infection may be essential, it is usually advisable to stay away from them. Try to locate a healthcare professional who can assist you in identifying and treating the underlying causes of these chronic illnesses if your child constantly gets ear infections, throat infections, or other problems for which antibiotic medications are prescribed. This will help you reduce the need for frequent antibiotic use. Try to stay away from meals, especially meats, and household products that contain antibiotics. Buy "antibiotic-free" meats and other food items, and stay away from hand sanitizers, antibacterial cleaners, and other household goods that contain these chemicals.

3- Let's play outside!

For children to develop physically and mentally, unstructured play and outdoor time must be abundantly available. Children nowadays, sadly, are less active and under more stress than ever before. Providing children with opportunities for movement and exercise reduces stress, which supports a healthy gut. Having kids play outside exposes them to helpful bacteria from the environment, which increases the amount of good bacteria in their systems.

4- Try probiotic dietary supplements

It is impossible to completely shield your child from the numerous chemicals, stresses, and other things found in the environment that might lead to gut imbalances, even when you employ other methods to promote your child's gut microbiota. Regularly taking a probiotic supplement supports healthy brain and body function by increasing levels of beneficial bacteria. Use a product with strains of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, which have been demonstrated in tests to be crucial for promoting the levels of beneficial bacteria in the stomach. Other strains may be beneficial for children with specific diseases or medical needs, but for general health and brain support, Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria are good beginning points and have been demonstrated to be child-safe.

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It’s true: Gut health is a key factor in kids' behavior!

What improvements might I see?According to research, providing probiotics to kids in the form of food or supplements can have a variety of positive effects on their overall health and cognitive function. Your youngster may specifically benefit from the following:

-Fewer infections and illnesses

-Better mood and behavior

-Faster recovery from antibiotic treatment

-Healthy bowel habits

-Healthy weight and metabolism

-Better brain function

As you could see, it doesn’t really take life changing efforts, just a few mindful decisions can do wonders for the little ones, so give it a go!

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It’s true: Gut health is a key factor in kids' behavior!
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