How to Really Make Your 40s the New 20s

How to Really Make Your 40s the New 20s

Well, well, well, if you're reading this, congratulations! You've either made it to your 40s, you’ve already passed them, or you’re getting seriously close to them, nevertheless, you’re at the age where suddenly everything starts to hurt and your doctor is no longer surprised when you visit them with a new ailment. But fear not, for there's still hope! Yes, you heard it right, there's still hope for you to feel like a 20-something again. Or, well, something close to it.

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How to Really Make Your 40s the New 20s

Here are some tips that are guaranteed to make your 40s the new 20s, cause it’s true, you’re only as old as you feel:

Stop Sitting: You read it right, stand up! Most of us have been sitting on our butts way too much for the past 20 years, and it's finally catching up. So, stand up, stretch, walk around, and do it all over again. Repeat this process for the rest of your life. Just to put things into perspective: According to a recent study, if American adults over 40 years old increased their daily walking by just 10 minutes, it could collectively prevent 110,000 deaths annually in the country.

Drink More Water: Yes, you've heard this one a million times, but it's time to start taking it seriously. No more excuses, no more "I don't like the taste of water." Just drink it. Your body will thank you, your skin will thank you, and most importantly, your doctor will thank you.

Exercise: It's time to get moving, people! It's not just about looking good in a swimsuit, it's about feeling good, inside and out. Join a gym, go for a walk, dance like no one's watching, or do something as simple as stretching. Whatever you do, just make sure you're moving. According to research from Brigham Young University, people who ran with high intensity for 30 to 40 minutes, five days a week, showed signs of having a younger biological age compared to those who either did less intensive exercise or were inactive.

Get Enough Sleep: Who needs sleep when you can catch up on Netflix and chill, right? Wrong! You need sleep, and lots of it. So, turn off the TV, put down the phone, and hit the hay.

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How to Really Make Your 40s the New 20s

Eat Healthy: Sorry, but those midnight pizzas and fast food runs are a thing of the past. It's time to start thinking about what you put in your body, but you don’t need to overcomplicate it; get good sources of lean protein, healthy fats, and whole grains, eat your greens, eat your fruits, and for heaven's sake, stay away from processed foods.

Take Breaks: No, we're not talking about taking a break from work, we're talking about taking a break from life. Take a vacation, go on a trip, or just take a few hours to relax and do something you love.

Stay Positive: Finally, the most important tip of all. Stay positive. Don't let the negativity of life bring you down. Surround yourself with positive people, do positive things, and most importantly, think positive thoughts. You could even start a gratitude journal, it’s been shown that a five-minute daily gratitude journal can increase long-term well-being by 10%.

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How to Really Make Your 40s the New 20s

And there you have it, no mysterious secrets, just seven excellent and easy tips to make your 40s the new 20s. Just remember, these tips are not a guarantee to turn back the hands of time, but they will make you feel better, both physically and mentally. So, go ahead, give them a try and make your 40s the best years of your life!

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How to Really Make Your 40s the New 20s
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