How to Manage Screen Addiction in Children: A Holistic Approach to Child Well-Being

How to Manage Screen Addiction in Children: A Holistic Approach to Child Well-Being

In today's digital age, children are more exposed to screens than ever before. While technology can be educational and entertaining, excessive use can lead to problems like screen addiction. At Neotherapy, we understand the importance of a holistic approach to managing this addiction and promoting healthy, balanced well-being in children.

The Reality of Screen Addiction

The statistics are alarming: according to Common Sense Media, children aged 8 to 12 spend an average of 4.5 hours a day in front of screens, while teenagers can spend up to 7.5 hours. Excessive screen use is linked to sleep problems, lack of attention, increased aggression, and physical health issues like obesity.

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How to Manage Screen Addiction in Children: A Holistic Approach to Child Well-Being

Strategies to Manage Screen Addiction

Set Clear Limits: It's essential for parents to establish and maintain clear screen time limits. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no more than two hours of recreational screen time for children over two years old.

Promote Alternative Activities: Encourage activities that don't involve screens, such as sports, reading, crafts, or family time. These activities not only reduce screen time but also strengthen social and physical skills.

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How to Manage Screen Addiction in Children: A Holistic Approach to Child Well-Being

Model Healthy Technology Use: Children learn by observing. If parents maintain a balanced and healthy use of technology, their children are more likely to follow their example.

Create Screen-Free Zones: Designate areas of the house, such as the dining room and bedrooms, as screen-free zones. This helps foster face-to-face interactions and ensures better sleep.

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How to Manage Screen Addiction in Children: A Holistic Approach to Child Well-Being

How Neurofeedback Can Help

At Neotherapy, we offer personalized neurofeedback programs specifically designed for children. These therapies not only help manage screen addiction but also promote healthy cognitive and emotional development. Our therapists work closely with families to create strategies that meet the individual needs of each child, ensuring a comprehensive and sustainable approach.

Take Action Now!

Managing screen addiction in children requires a balanced and consistent approach. By setting limits, promoting alternative activities, modeling healthy technology use, creating screen-free zones, and using tools like neurofeedback, we can help children develop healthy digital habits. At Neotherapy, we are committed to supporting families on this journey toward holistic well-being, ensuring that our children grow up in a balanced and healthy environment.

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How to Manage Screen Addiction in Children: A Holistic Approach to Child Well-Being

If you're concerned about your child's screen time, don't wait. Contact us at Neotherapy to discover how our neurofeedback therapies can make a positive difference in your child's life.

Together, we can foster a healthy and balanced future!

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