Follow these 9 tips for a healthier 4th of July celebration

Follow these 9 tips for a healthier 4th of July celebration

Many people love summertime and especially 4th of July celebrations! Sunshine! Barbecues! Fireworks! What’s not to love? For most, the holiday is about more than simply honoring the country, it's also about spending time with friends and family, being outside, and, of course, watching the fireworks!

But as with any good celebration, there are always plenty of risks of overdoing it and overindulging.

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Follow these 9 tips for a healthier 4th of July celebration

That’s why we’ve come up with 9 healthy recommendations for making the most out of a great celebration full of fun, love and good times. Fire up the barbecue!

1- Stay hydrated: No matter where you are in America, July is hot, so drink plenty of water! Keep your body from overheating by drinking plenty of water, and steer clear of dehydrating caffeinated and sugary beverages. Fruits are a great source of vitamins, fiber, and hydration, so keep plenty of fresh fruit on hand as well.

2- Wear sunscreen: Despite the fact that spending time in the sun is a terrific method to receive some beneficial Vitamin D, be sure to protect yourself from damaging UVA and UVB rays. According to studies, sunburns more than double your chance of developing skin cancer!

3- Eat Light: When you're outside in the heat, you really shouldn’t eat a large lunch. Make salads and sides to balance the main dish, and consider grilling your meal, to ensure that your cuisine doesn't overpower your celebrations. Make sure nutritious snacks like veggie sticks are accessible because you might be eating throughout the day as well.

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Follow these 9 tips for a healthier 4th of July celebration

4- Make Healthy Drinks: Create healthy alternatives to sugar-loaded sodas for your visitors, including homemade iced tea flavored with agave nectar or even sparkling cucumber water!

5- Make sure your grill is clean before using it: A dirty grill can serve as a haven for bacteria and germs. After you've finished grilling, quickly clear up any food or debris that is still on the grill. Then, increase the heat and let the grill burn off a bit.

6- Keep meals at the right temperature: To ensure that any hazardous bacteria are eliminated, cook all of your food to the correct temperature. Store foods that need to be chilled in a cooler over ice. Consider removing such foods from the menu to prevent illness if this is not practicable.

7- Avoid sweet desserts: this time of year when there is an abundance of fresh fruit at supermarkets, farmers' markets, and fruit stands, it’s a great idea to take advantage of it. To satisfy your sweet appetite without adding extra processed sugar, slice up strawberries, melons, or grill peaches, pineapple, or bananas.

8- Play Lawn Games: Instead of bringing yet another dessert, ask your party attendees to bring their favorite outdoor game. After that, you can take turns playing each game. In addition, it motivates everyone to stay healthy and active!

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Follow these 9 tips for a healthier 4th of July celebration

And finally, number 9 is to Start an Active Tradition: Whether it's a yearly neighborhood volleyball match, family kickball tournament, or pre-dinner trek, an annual activity would be a welcome addition to any July 4th celebration. It will not only make everyone's heart race (and make them happy), but it will also give you tales to tell for years to come!

As you can see, it doesn’t really take much, just a few tweaks to ensure you have the best possible experience with your loved ones over the holidays. Be safe, enjoy, and HAPPY 4th of JULY!

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Follow these 9 tips for a healthier 4th of July celebration
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