Do you really need 10k steps a day or is it a myth?

Do you really need 10k steps a day or is it a myth?

Exercise-related public health messages have stayed the same for a long time, so you probably have engraved in your brain the one about “having to walk 10K steps a day”.

We set the goal and try our hardest, yet when we don’t reach that target, we feel like we failed. However, have you ever wondered about the scientific rationale behind the 10K steps?

It seems like more than a magic number discovered by medical researchers, 10.000 steps came from the brains of a marketing team!

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Do you really need 10k steps a day or is it a myth?

It turns out that in preparation for the Tokyo Olympics in 1964, the Yamasa Company was hard at work perfecting their first wearable pedometer. The “Manpo-kei”, which translates to 10,000 steps per meter, was the name they decided on. Despite 10000 being a good round figure, there was no supporting scientific data to determine this as the desired goal for best health benefits.

Therefore, it's time to stop criticizing yourself and focus on what to do instead if your wearable step tracker is continuously reminding you that you haven't met your daily goal.

Try this instead of the 10.000 steps

Focus on quality instead of quantity.

A quick, fast walk is better to lower your risk of heart disease, enhance your mood, clear your mind, lessen stress, and give you more energy than a leisurely stroll across the park. But hey, you should take advantage of every opportunity to move around!

As you walk, try to maintain a steady pace that will raise your heart rate while allowing you to carry on a conversation. A cadence of at least 100 steps per minute is desirable. Remember, consistency is the key to unlocking all the health benefits.

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Do you really need 10k steps a day or is it a myth?

Remain upright

Spending more time on your feet offers several benefits which can complement your daily walking.

But maybe you’ve got a desk job that requires you to spend your days behind a computer screen. That's why, due to the health advantages of spending less time sitting on our butts, variable height desks are becoming more and more common. Their use enhances working memory, attention, and executive function (planning, organizing, and decision-making), according to research.

Whenever you can, remember to stand up and walk for a few minutes!

Anything is better than 0

You really shouldn’t be obsessing about the number of steps, especially when you're starting from a position close to zero. Raising your step count, regardless of the number, will be most advantageous. If you’re already used to walking 10.000 steps a day, that’s great! But even 2000 will bring about health benefits. So just get up and start going!

Just stay active!

There are a lot of issues with using the 10,000-step-per-day statistic as a standard. One is that in order for the figures to be correct, you must remember to really wear the pedometer (every day and all the time). According to studies, use of gadgets like this results in decreasing compliance over time. The other is that (and this one is completely logical) the amount of steps and the benefits obtained will vary a lot depending on age, weight, fitness level… So instead of focusing on the number of steps you walk on a daily basis, aim to have at least 30 min a day of light to moderate activity 5 times a week and we guarantee that you will feel better than ever!

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Do you really need 10k steps a day or is it a myth?
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Do you really need 10k steps a day or is it a myth?
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