Are you really hungry, or are you eating your feelings away?

Are you really hungry, or are you eating your feelings away?

This might be the most obvious thing you’ll ever read, but eating is essential for life and good health. More than that, eating can also be a very gratifying and enjoyable experience, and it should be.

The thing is, sometimes people can develop relationships with food that are not so healthy, like stress eating.

We feel hungry when there is a nutritional shortage in our bodies. Our bodies need a variety of nutrients, and we are not providing them with sufficient quantities, so hunger is their way of asking us to consume more to meet their requirements.

Other times, even though our bodies have all the food they need, we may experience a false sense of hunger that leads to a "craving" or desire for a specific item (and it's usually unhealthy food like chips or refined sugar).

This is what’s called “emotional hunger." This feeling is the result of emotions rather than nutrient deficiency and can be brought on by a variety of things, including boredom, stress, and interpersonal issues. According to the American Psychological Association, 27 percent of adults claim to use food as a coping mechanism for stress, and 34 percent of those who overeat or consume unhealthy foods as a result of stress claim that this practice is a habit.

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Are you really hungry, or are you eating your feelings away?

Why is this a problem?

Emotional eating is an issue for some people because they tend to overeat and choose calorie-dense, nutrient-dense foods that don’t really do any good for their bodies. This is why it is so important to keep it under control. Unchecked emotional eating can result in a variety of health issues, including eating disorders, obesity, and other diseases linked to the routine consumption of bad foods, such as high triglycerides, tooth decay, etc.

This does not mean that we should never indulge in some of our cravings and have a treat, but we need to be in tune with our bodies and be mindful of everything we’re feeding them and why.

Real or emotional hunger?

The first thing we must do is learn to differentiate between when hunger is real and when hunger is emotional, so here are some signs that might help us identify it:

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Are you really hungry, or are you eating your feelings away?

It is key to recognize the type of hunger you are experiencing, especially if you believe you are going through a stressful or depressing time that may cause you to experience cravings. If you've determined that your hunger is emotional, there are some things you can do to handle it better.

Top 8 tips to better manage emotional eating

1. Seek a reward that is unrelated to eating; in other words, put all of your energy into something else, like reading, writing, watching a movie, taking a stroll, or swimming and that will give you a sensation of happiness.

2. Keep hydrated: Since hunger and thirst can both feel similar, it's crucial to maintain adequate hydration to prevent hunger from being triggered by thirst.

3. It's crucial to engage in relaxing activities like yoga, breathing exercises, meditation, and so forth. When eating, it's crucial to take your time, pay attention to what you are doing, and avoid rushing.

4. Consume less sugar because it can become addicting.

5. Fractionate your food and eat every 3 to 4 hours this will help you feel satiated longer and will help you understand that you’re not really hungry since you’ve eaten recently.

6. Get quality sleep: Not getting the recommended amount of sleep can cause a hormonal imbalance that affects the hormones ghrelin and leptin, which are responsible for the feelings of hunger and satiety.

7. Avoid restrictive diets as they can increase your craving for foods that “are off-limits”. It's crucial to avoid depriving ourselves of the foods we enjoy the most because doing so might cause anxiety and lead to binging in a moment of weakness. Instead of prohibiting your intake of certain items, try controlling your portions and learning when and when not to eat them.

8. Exercise regularly; go jogging, biking, walking, or climbing stairs... Thanks to it, you'll be inspired to lead a healthy lifestyle, and it's also a great way to unwind.

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Are you really hungry, or are you eating your feelings away?
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Are you really hungry, or are you eating your feelings away?
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