8 simple rules for a healthier holiday season

8 simple rules for a healthier holiday season

Not to sound like the Grinch, but there’s kind of a “dark side” to the holiday season. That sounds very ominous, so let’s make it a lot clearer (and less creepy).

According to the Synergy Wellness Center, Americans who participated in a study demonstrated that, on average, people gain between 0.2% and 0.4% of their body weight during the holiday season. Much of the year's worth of work spent maintaining a healthy weight and an active lifestyle can be lost in a matter of days. Therefore, it is a good idea to put some advice into practice in order to avoid overlooking your wellbeing.

Sure, we can all wear stretchy pants to get us through those delicious Christmas leftover meals, but the real problem is not the weight gain; the real problem is the negative impact that these unchecked holiday behaviors have on us

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8 simple rules for a healthier holiday season

All these excesses mean that Christmas brings the following health consequences:

  • Increased cholesterol, blood sugar and uric acid levels.
  • Increased fluid retention.
  • Weight gain and body fat.
  • Increased blood pressure.

The good news is that (just like the Grinch taught us), there’s always hope. It’s possible to have a healthy holiday celebration, the key is to avoid falling into excess. But, what else should you keep in mind? These are the 10 simple rules:

1. Don't become a couch potato

Many people tend to stop exercising during this time of year and lead more sedentary lives which, combined with eating high calorie foods, makes their body fat levels rise even more. That’s why it is crucial to maintain the routines that have been in place all year.

Sure, you can lower the intensity of your workouts if your social calendar is full, or maybe opt for fast walks. But never stop moving!

2. Enjoy the delicious food, but don't overindulge

The keyword is always: moderation. Yes, Christmas food tends to be incredibly delicious, but don’t overdo it.

Try some low-sugar, plant-based alternatives; they can be a great way to get all the deliciousness without tipping the scales too much. And of course, pay special attention to desserts as they are usually the most calorie dense but nutrient deficient.

Opt for half quantities of a whole piece; this way you can taste those delicious dishes, without having the guilt of binging on them.

3. Have a proper plan in place

This is a time of gatherings, and for many people, juggling their everyday obligations with all of their social commitments can be draining. That’s why it’s crucial to carefully organize the numerous activities you have in mind.

You can visualize all of your responsibilities in a more organized way by creating a calendar. Utilizing colored paper as a type of traffic light to effectively distribute the time for each activity during these dates is a great idea.

4. Keep alcohol intake under control

Alcohol and celebrating often go hand in hand, and this is especially true on a holiday like Christmas when there is no shortage of wine, champagne, or any particular cocktail. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with having a few drinks (unless you’re underage, in which case don’t even think about it) but a few drinks can really pile up when you’re having a great time.

The first tip is to maintain a full stomach to prevent toasts from getting the best of you. Additionally, make an effort to balance your alcohol and water intake. This will make it easier to get rid of it and prevent a bad hangover.

5. Speaking of water… Stay hydrated!

It might seem to you like staying hydrated is on every wellbeing list, well, what does that tell you about its importance?

Water is an ally for health at any time of year, as we've already noted many times before. Maintaining a healthy intake, especially over the holidays, can help to enhance intestinal transit and prevent stomach issues. Additionally, it prevents issues brought on by dehydration.

6. Mind the ingredient list

A healthy diet won't ruin the party. Hunger can be satisfied by foods rich in fruit and vegetables, preventing the consumption of foods with excessive calorie counts. Cooking with little salt and using foods that have a lot of fiber is also a great idea.

7. Make room for some down time

Our bodies and minds need time to rest in order to be healthy, but between the late dinners, the parties and the family visiting your house, it might be hard to get enough sleep. It’s time to start partying like there IS a tomorrow.

8. Enjoy family, friends and share the love

Christmas is a season of love and affection. Therefore, spending time with your loved ones is the best thing you can do. The best way to release endorphins is to experience joy or love. By doing so, problems like depression will be prevented, and the feeling of wellbeing will increase.

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8 simple rules for a healthier holiday season

Cheers! To a healthy holiday season

For a very long time, the holidays have been marked by excesses in food, drink, and celebrations. It's important to keep in mind that while enjoying yourself is not necessarily bad, it is very possible to do so while keeping your healthy habits in check.

Simple options can make a world of difference and make this holiday season, the healthiest of your life.

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8 simple rules for a healthier holiday season
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8 simple rules for a healthier holiday season
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