5 sneaky tell-tale signs that you might have food intolerances

5 sneaky tell-tale signs that you might have food intolerances

We all love eating our favorite foods, but, do our favorite foods truly agree with that? No, we don´t mean if they wish or not to be eaten (that’s a whole other different philosophical debate). What we mean is, are our favorite foods good for us?

You might know all the different foods you're allergic to and of course, avoid them, but how well do you know your food intolerances?

People easily relate food allergy and food intolerance, but the two are actually quite different. Food intolerances are very common, affecting roughly 15-20% of people. You may be one of them and you might not be aware of it, but there are daily symptoms you might be suffering from.

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5 sneaky tell-tale signs that you might have food intolerances

What is a food allergy?

When the immune system reacts to a component or substance that it misinterprets as dangerous, an allergy results. The body frequently misinterprets certain foods—typically a protein—as being toxic and mounts an attack. An allergic reaction results from the body's antibodies fighting the foreign protein. Allergies to nuts, shellfish, eggs, dairy, and particular fruits and vegetables are fairly frequent.

What is food intolerance?

On the other hand, an intolerance is a digestive reaction as opposed to an immunological reaction, unlike a food allergy. A particular food could irritate the digestive tract after you eat it. This frequently occurs when a person's ability to effectively digest or break down the food is impaired. A sensitivity to lactose, which is present in most dairy products, is fairly frequent. Additionally, those who suffer from digestive diseases, such as irritable bowel syndrome, frequently have food intolerances.

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5 sneaky tell-tale signs that you might have food intolerances

By now you might be thinking: allergies are fairly easy to recognize but, how do you identify symptoms of intolerance? Below, you’ll find the 5 most common ones. If you’ve noticed any of them and can relate them to certain foods, you might want to get a food sensitivity test.


Most of us tend to ignore headaches as signs of food intolerance because headaches can be symptoms of so many different ailments. But the fact is that even migraines may be brought on by severe dietary intolerances. The body perceives food as a threat when it cannot be broken down or digested adequately. Immunoglobulin (IgG) antibodies begin to be released into the bloodstream as a result, headaches or migraines may occasionally be brought on by these antibodies.

Bloating Or Gas

Bloating and gas are the two most typical symptoms of food intolerance. These two symptoms, according to gastroenterologists, typically appear following a substantial, high-fiber meal. However, when they start to hurt or feel unpleasant, that should raise some red flags, especially if they happen every time you consume a specific item. Gas and bloating are two fairly typical signs of lactose intolerance. Lactose causes bloating and gas because the body cannot properly digest it. If you have lactose intolerance, take into account dairy substitutes.

Diarrhea Or Constipation

These two signs of sensitivity, particularly to gluten, are frequently present. Constipation or diarrhea are frequently experienced with consuming gluten because the body cannot effectively digest or break it down. It's possible that autoimmune reactions can cause gluten intolerance. In the case of Celiac disease, the body reacts to the presence of gluten by attacking the villi in the small intestine. Gluten sensitivity that is not caused by celiac disease can result in impaired gut digestion. Studies show that 25% of gluten-intolerant patients get constipation and 50% of them experience diarrhea.


Fatigue, lethargy, or drowsiness after eating certain foods is another common symptom. On rare occasions, people may have a blood sugar drop that leaves them groggy or exhausted, but it may also be a sign of food intolerance. The adrenal glands release cortisol, often known as the stress hormone if the body is unable to process a certain diet properly. This helps to lessen gastrointestinal irritation or inflammation. The overworked adrenal glands cause weariness.


Like we said before, food allergies are not the same as food intolerance. After consuming the offending food, those who have food allergies may get hives, itching, rashes, or puffiness. But even if you are not allergic to a meal, your body may nonetheless perceive it as poisonous, and so they might get acne or another type of skin response. A reaction will happen wherever the body releases histamine if a particular protein in food doesn't agree with the body. You can develop acne or even eczema if it causes histamine to be released in the skin.

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5 sneaky tell-tale signs that you might have food intolerances

Truth be told, food intolerance is more than just awkward, it can have a severe negative impact on your quality of life if you just leave it unchecked, so if you’ve been feeling these symptoms, there’s no need for you to just push through! There are great ways to figure out exactly which foods don't get along with you, and start a diet that will help you feel great!

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5 sneaky tell-tale signs that you might have food intolerances
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