5 Great ways to improve concentration in kids with ADHD and ASD

5 Great ways to improve concentration in kids with ADHD and ASD

If you have children with autism or ADHD or if you work in the teaching or educational fields, you undoubtedly frequently wonder what interesting things and enjoyable activities you can do to help them focus and pay attention.

The fact is that ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) causes, among other symptoms, children to have serious difficulties when they need to concentrate on a specific task, such as kids with ADHD. The good news is that there are games, resources, and exercises that you can do at home and at school to help autistic kids have an easier time concentrating.

Remember that every child is unique and there are no “formulas”. Practice these activities with your child and discover if it’s a good fit for them.

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5 Great ways to improve concentration in kids with ADHD and ASD

Take a walk around nature

Age doesn’t really matter, everyone can benefit greatly from taking a stroll through gardens, fields, mountains, and other natural settings because this simple activity allows for the cleaning of the lungs by breathing fresh air, taking a break from routine, it lowers anxiety, and lets you enjoy a moment of relaxation.

Even though going for walks is good for kids of all ages, it is especially good for those with autism because it enables them to concentrate entirely on the flowers, plants, birdsong, and other small animals that run through the woods, without being distracted by outside stimuli.

You can also encourage your little ones’ communication skills during these walks in beautiful natural settings by giving them objects like flowers to describe the emotions and sensations they experience while holding them in their hands.

Playing engaging games

It can be challenging for many kids with autism to show enthusiasm in games and activities, as for kids with ADHD, they usually lose interest in the game very quickly. That’s why it is crucial to choose activities that appeal to them. A few instances? Consider using soap bubbles, magnetic lettering, or interactive kid's stories.

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5 Great ways to improve concentration in kids with ADHD and ASD

The power of music

ASD and ADHD make it challenging for many kids to do daily chores and music can be one of their strongest allies. Have you ever made up songs in order to learn a lesson in school? If so, you are aware that learning is made simpler by music.

Due to the fact that after hearing them multiple times, kids eventually start singing them and carrying out the duties they are talking about, many parents and educational experts hunt for songs that discuss common tasks.

Use websites like YouTube to uncover incredible videos for kids of all ages, or compose your own tunes.

Great mobile apps

Today's smartphones allow you to download a wide variety of apps and games, making cell phones much more than just the best tools for connecting with others, they can be a tool for children development if used correctly.

Nowadays there are quick-to-install apps for tablets and smartphones developed by experts and backed by science that are geared toward enhancing the lives of kids with ADHD and autism. Give them a try!

Neurofeedback therapy

ASD and ADHD symptoms have been proven to significantly improve with neurofeedback. Using EEG equipment, neurofeedback can pinpoint areas of the brain that are having problems processing information and regulate them through fun, noninvasive practices.

Neurofeedback will not automatically improve concentration, but it can help with the following symptoms that, when treated, will allow kids to have an easier time concentrating:


Emotional outbursts

Speech issues

Ritualistic behavior

Intolerance to change





Issues with social skills

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5 Great ways to improve concentration in kids with ADHD and ASD

If you want to know more about neurofeedback for children, let us know, we will happily guide you through the whole process.

Put these suggestions into practice if you frequently notice that your child needs help staying focused. Last but not least, always try to cheer up your child and celebrate any success, no matter how small. Children with attention issues frequently feel inadequate, so let your children know what accomplishments they have made and how they keep surpassing themselves.

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5 Great ways to improve concentration in kids with ADHD and ASD
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