4 everyday habits to improve your mental health and live better

4 everyday habits to improve your mental health and live better

World Mental Health Day is on October 10, and we will start the month by sharing positive mental health habits.

Mental health has been more important recently. Recent global events, such as the coronavirus outbreak or the Ukraine-Russia conflict, may have an indirect psychological impact and cause a depressed mood.

There are many variables and no "magic" formula when people have mental health concerns. There are several things you should know to stay mentally fit.

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4 everyday habits to improve your mental health and live better

Good mental health improves productivity and relationships. It makes you feel better physiologically, reducing the risk of physical and cognitive problems (which are related to factors such as loneliness, stress, anxiety, and depression).

These are fantastic general practices for your health and mental wellness, but if you're battling bad sentiments, don't be embarrassed to get help.

Setting boundaries

This is crucial to safeguard emotional health, manage stress, have healthier and more fulfilling relationships, and make those around you feel more understood, protected, respected, and cherished.

Setting limits can aid in having a clear sense of priorities, avoiding conditions like burnout, and allowing ample time for relaxation and recovery. You can find some tips on how to set boundaries here.

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4 everyday habits to improve your mental health and live better

Put your attention on your own self-care and development

Making mistakes is one of the most common and natural parts of being human. It’s inevitable! However, when we do anything wrong, we have a tendency to feel bad all the time and beat ourselves over it. You need to understand that it's ok to make mistakes, to not get things right or, yeah, to have a lousy workday.

Instead of concentrating on the bad, which will lead nowhere, we should instead concentrate on things that will help us grow and advance.

We should focus on developing a more upbeat inner voice that is based on comprehension, inspiration, and self-kindness

According to some studies, self-compassion can enhance professional development and performance. It also aids in the development of strong self-esteem, which increases a person's likelihood of success.

Ask for help when you need it

“Asking for help is a sign of strength”, turns out it’s not just a well-known proverb, but it’s also a very real statement for mental health in general.

Bottling things inside is never a good way to deal with things, it can increase anxiety and feelings of hopefulness. Instead, you can find better answers to your difficulties by consulting a therapist or a reliable friend.

They will often give you a different viewpoint, a sense of less isolation, and a greater sense of understanding.

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4 everyday habits to improve your mental health and live better

Learn to forgive

Studies have shown that holding onto things like negative emotions, anger, and resentment can cause people to experience recurring issues with stress, anxiety, and depression. These kinds of suppressed emotions also prevent you from progressing or from reaching a stable mental state.

Even though it can be challenging, forgiving someone can help you move past hurtful habits or situations, recover permanently, and experience generally less stress. Or as they say, holding a grudge is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to get ill.

You see? Nothing too radical! The fact of the matter is that these habits are not only a great way to keep your mind healthy, but as soon as you put them into practice you’ll start noticing how things around you change for the better!

Give it a try!

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4 everyday habits to improve your mental health and live better
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