10 amazing benefits of neurofeedback for businesses

10 amazing benefits of neurofeedback for businesses

If there’s something that we as a society keep learning is the importance of physical and mental wellbeing in every aspect of our lives. Balance. We’re starting to see in our rearview mirrors the days when work, personal and spiritual life were completely separated, and we excitedly look to a future where each aspect of our lives is in perfect harmony.

That’s why companies in all kinds of sectors are looking into the benefits of neurofeedback for their teams and taking advantage of it to increase overall wellbeing and productivity. Neurofeedback potentiates the capabilities of the brain to have better performance and, more importantly, a greater ability to deal with problems, stress and the “not so good” aspects of modern life.

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10 amazing benefits of neurofeedback for businesses

There’s a widespread myth that human beings only use 10% of their brain, this is a huge lie. In reality, we use the whole brain and it is always working, even when we are asleep, ALWAYS.

The brain processes about 60 thousand thoughts daily, of which 94% are repeated and 80% are negative, so without proper care, it will not function as it should, making way for a burnout team. The symptoms of burnout syndrome within a business are well known: demotivation, lack of competitiveness, an atmosphere of envy and boycott, distracted, uncooperative, and unfocused minds; apathy reigns, hierarchies are dispersed or leaders become authoritarian and unreasonable. It is clear that the lack of objectives and vision for the future dissipates: the company becomes the color of the living dead because it is an entity without a soul.

Might seem a little bit exaggerated, but just ask someone who feels burnt out

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10 amazing benefits of neurofeedback for businesses

The good news? There are ways to prevent that and neurofeedback is one of them. Neurofeedback training allows us to change the brain's functioning towards a positive posture unconsciously. This, undoubtedly, makes employees have an equally positive attitude towards work and a clear mind that improves problem solving, and also, amazing benefits for their personal lives and health.

Increased productivity, done right

Neurofeedback is increasingly used to improve professional performance, especially for jobs that require a high level of execution, concentration, and decision making.

Studies carried out since the 1970s in the field of neurofeedback have shown just how beneficial brain training can be, which is confirmed by the increasingly widespread use of non-invasive techniques.

Its potential is on a par with meditation and yoga, although it has been proven that the effects of neurofeedback are not only short-term; on the contrary, once the brain corrects its functioning, it learns to do so in the long term. People who train their brains usually observe significant improvements in memory, processing speed, mental reasoning, and decision making.

The end result? People who feel great, who love their jobs and have amazing performance not because they're required to, but because they feel better than ever.

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10 amazing benefits of neurofeedback for businesses

How else does Neurofeedback benefit employees?

Several experiments have also shown the extent to which neurofeedback can improve the performance of personnel and their work potential. Among these improvements are 10 crucial ones:

  • An increase in the rate of learning
  • An improvement in working memory
  • An increase in the ability to concentrate
  • An improvement in stress management and overcoming fear of failure
  • An improvement in processing speed
  • Significant increase in the fluency of ideas
  • Improved ability to cope with a heavy workload
  • A reduction in the number of errors made in information processing
  • An increase in neuronal plasticity
  • Overall improvement of all functions

A therapeutic tool

All these improvements are great when it comes to job performance; but more importantly, the therapeutic results of neurofeedback should be considered as an advantage for the improvement of productivity in the company because it minimizes absenteeism due to illness and disability.

Neurofeedback is an effective resource in the treatment of depression, anxiety and stress; it helps to treat ailments such as migraine and other pains typical of a stressful lifestyle.

For all these reasons, more and more professionals from all fields are undergoing  neurofeedback training to improve their professional skills: intelligence, memory, attention and concentration, visuospatial ability, processing speed or ability to cope with and solve problems.

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10 amazing benefits of neurofeedback for businesses
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